Product Object ( [_table:protected] => DB\MySql\Table Object ( [_name:protected] => products [_schema:protected] => cs14866_beta [_fullname:protected] => `cs14866_beta`.`products` [_columns:protected] => Array ( [product_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => product_id [Type] => int(10) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => PRI [Default] => [Extra] => auto_increment ) [type] => pk ) [sort] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => sort [Type] => int(11) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => integer ) [name] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => name [Type] => varchar(512) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [name_translit] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => name_translit [Type] => varchar(1024) [Null] => NO [Key] => MUL [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [cat_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => cat_id [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => MUL [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [text] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => text [Type] => text [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => text ) [condition] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => condition [Type] => enum('excellent','good','requires restoration') [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => excellent [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [year_start] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => year_start [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [year_end] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => year_end [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [age] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => age [Type] => varchar(32) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [price] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => price [Type] => double unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [price_official] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => price_official [Type] => double unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [price_sale] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => price_sale [Type] => double unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [price_sale_ue] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => price_sale_ue [Type] => double [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [discount] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => discount [Type] => tinyint(3) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0 [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [length] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => length [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [width] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => width [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [height] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => height [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [diameter] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => diameter [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [owner_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => owner_id [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [shop_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => shop_id [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [country_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => country_id [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [author_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => author_id [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [technology_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => technology_id [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [material_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => material_id [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [factory_id] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => factory_id [Type] => smallint(5) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [date_create] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => date_create [Type] => datetime [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => datetime ) [date_update] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => date_update [Type] => timestamp [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP [Extra] => on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) [type] => timestamp ) [apt_holyday_0803] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => apt_holyday_0803 [Type] => tinyint(1) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0 [Extra] => ) [type] => boolean ) [apt_holyday_2302] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => apt_holyday_2302 [Type] => tinyint(1) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0 [Extra] => ) [type] => boolean ) [apt_holyday_1402] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => apt_holyday_1402 [Type] => tinyint(1) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0 [Extra] => ) [type] => boolean ) [apt_holyday_0101] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => apt_holyday_0101 [Type] => tinyint(1) unsigned [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) [type] => ) [is_favorite] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => is_favorite [Type] => tinyint(1) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0 [Extra] => ) [type] => boolean ) [is_public] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => is_public [Type] => tinyint(1) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 1 [Extra] => ) [type] => boolean ) [is_del] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => is_del [Type] => tinyint(1) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0 [Extra] => ) [type] => boolean ) [is_deferred] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => is_deferred [Type] => tinyint(1) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0 [Extra] => ) [type] => boolean ) [is_sold] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => is_sold [Type] => tinyint(1) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0 [Extra] => ) [type] => boolean ) [date_sold] => Array ( [_inst] => stdClass Object ( [Field] => date_sold [Type] => timestamp [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [Extra] => ) [type] => timestamp ) ) [_defaults_query:protected] => Array ( [from] => products ) [_primary_key:protected] => product_id [columnTypes] => Array ( [pk] => int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY [bigpk] => bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY [string] => varchar(255) [text] => text [integer] => int(11) [bigint] => bigint(20) [float] => float [decimal] => decimal [datetime] => datetime [timestamp] => timestamp [time] => time [date] => date [binary] => blob [boolean] => tinyint(1) [money] => decimal(19,4) ) [_query:protected] => [_params:protected] => [__defaults_query:protected] => [__defaults_params:protected] => [_tableNames:protected] => ) [_fetch_options:protected] => Array ( [excluded_fields] => Array ( [0] => price [1] => owner_id [2] => is_del [3] => date_sold ) ) [_map_conditions:Product:private] => Array ( [excellent] => отличное [good] => хорошее [requires restoration] => требует реставрации ) [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [name_translit] => brosh-kloun-latr [price_sale_formatted] => продан [product_id] => 1957 [sort] => 1957 [name] => Брошь "Клоун" (LATR) [cat_id] => 46 [text] => Компания Lunch at the Ritz славится своими украшениями самого высшего класса - класса Люкс. Украшения Lunch at the Ritz выглядят роскошно и ярко, гламурно, необычно и эффектно. Название компании придумали создатели в 1982 году - Асме Хетч и Зандер Эллиот решили, что Lunch at the Ritz, замечательно передает идею роскоши и элегантности, и в то же время намекает на солнечное и вкусное. Ведь отели Ritz всегда были и есть воплощением красивого и богатого образа жизни. А уж ланч в Ритц всегда на высоте. Очень радует также, что все украшения Lunch at the Ritz гиппоаллергенны, что изготавливаюся вручную в США в Нью Йорке, что все вставки - будь то бусины или стразы - всё от Сваровски, что каждый цвет эмали обжигается в печи индивидуально, поэтому одинаковых оттенков нет, что эмаль полируются исключительно вручную. [condition] => excellent [year_start] => 0 [year_end] => 0 [age] => 1980-е гг [price_official] => 16800 [price_sale] => 35450 [price_sale_ue] => 370 [discount] => 0 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 110 [diameter] => 0 [shop_id] => 8 [country_id] => 22 [author_id] => 0 [technology_id] => 74 [material_id] => 49 [factory_id] => 0 [date_create] => 2011-01-08 17:21:37 [date_update] => 2023-03-07 15:58:53 [apt_holyday_0803] => 0 [apt_holyday_2302] => 0 [apt_holyday_1402] => 0 [apt_holyday_0101] => 0 [is_favorite] => 0 [is_public] => 1 [is_deferred] => 0 [is_sold] => 1 [category_name] => Броши [category_name_translit] => broshi(2) [category_urn] => biju/brosh [country_name] => США [technology_name] => Эмаль [material_name] => Металл [condition_rus] => отличное [uri] => /antikvariat/broshi(2)/brosh-kloun-latr [sizes] => Array ( [2] => 110 ) [sizes_string] => 110мм [photos] => Array ( [0] => Photo Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [photo_id] => 4419 [folder] => antiques [filename] => brosh-kloun-latr [extension] => jpg [file] => brosh-kloun-latr.jpg [src] => [src_preview] =>[240x240]/brosh-kloun-latr.jpg [filepath] => /home/c/cs14866/ [height] => 538 [width] => 600 ) [_changed:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaults:protected] => Array ( ) [_previous:protected] => Array ( ) [id] => 4419 [collection] => [_children:protected] => Array ( ) [_default_fetch_options:protected] => Array ( [fields] => Array ( ) [excluded_fields] => Array ( [0] => is_del ) [where] => is_del:0 [order] => [count] => 200 [offset] => 0 ) [_fetch_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_parent:protected] => [_table:protected] => [_tables:protected] => Array ( ) [_events:base\Component:private] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Photo Object ( [_attributes:protected] => Array ( [photo_id] => 4420 [folder] => antiques [filename] => brosh-kloun-latr(2) [extension] => jpg [file] => brosh-kloun-latr(2).jpg [src] => [src_preview] =>[240x240]/brosh-kloun-latr(2).jpg [filepath] => /home/c/cs14866/ [height] => 539 [width] => 600 ) [_changed:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaults:protected] => Array ( ) [_previous:protected] => Array ( ) [id] => 4420 [collection] => [_children:protected] => Array ( ) [_default_fetch_options:protected] => Array ( [fields] => Array ( ) [excluded_fields] => Array ( [0] => is_del ) [where] => is_del:0 [order] => [count] => 200 [offset] => 0 ) [_fetch_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_parent:protected] => [_table:protected] => [_tables:protected] => Array ( ) [_events:base\Component:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [photos_max_width] => 600 [photos_max_height] => 539 ) [_changed:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaults:protected] => Array ( ) [_previous:protected] => Array ( ) [id] => 1957 [collection] => [_children:protected] => Array ( ) [_default_fetch_options:protected] => Array ( [fields] => Array ( ) [excluded_fields] => Array ( [0] => is_del ) [where] => is_del:0 [order] => [count] => 200 [offset] => 0 ) [_parent:protected] => [_tables:protected] => Array ( ) [_events:base\Component:private] => Array ( ) ) 1
Компания Lunch at the Ritz славится своими украшениями самого высшего класса - класса Люкс. Украшения Lunch at the Ritz выглядят роскошно и ярко, гламурно, необычно и эффектно. Название компании придумали создатели в 1982 году - Асме Хетч и Зандер Эллиот решили, что Lunch at the Ritz, замечательно передает идею роскоши и элегантности, и в то же время намекает на солнечное и вкусное. Ведь отели Ritz всегда были и есть воплощением красивого и богатого образа жизни. А уж ланч в Ритц всегда на высоте. Очень радует также, что все украшения Lunch at the Ritz гиппоаллергенны, что изготавливаюся вручную в США в Нью Йорке, что все вставки - будь то бусины или стразы - всё от Сваровски, что каждый цвет эмали обжигается в печи индивидуально, поэтому одинаковых оттенков нет, что эмаль полируются исключительно вручную.